Rhino Roofing Products Limited

The company was incorporated as a Limited Liability Company in 1962 under the leadership of late Sir Cyril De Soysa. In 1978 Deshamanya Mr. A Y S Gnanam was appointed

as the company’s Chairman / Managing Director. Under his guidance a series of changes took place.

  • Transformation of Company name and brand to “RHINO”.    
  • New technology was introduced to improve production and quality.    
  • In 1994 a new plant was installed to increase production capacity from 130 to 370  metric tons per day.    
  • SLS (Sri Lanka Standard) certification for product quality conformity was obtained.    
  • An additional plant to manufacture flat ceiling sheets was established in 1997 and   total production capacity was increased to 500 metric tons per day.    
  • He was the driving force behind all activities for the 04th plant with a production capacity of 250 metric tones per day which was commissioned in late 2006.

Deshamanya A Y S Gnanam was our mentor, guiding light and our pillar of strength. His guidance was constant, his resolve insurmountable & his energetic approach to life & work, incomparable. He believed that all things are possible & he also believed there is a time & place for everything.

Sadly he passed away in January 2007 and the company will always treasure his valuable contribution to its growth.

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